
Supporting You from Hospital to Home

Transition Care Program Perth

The Transition Care Program (TCP) is an initiative by the Commonwealth and State Health Departments that provides short-term restorative care options for older people following a hospital stay.

What is transition care?

Transition care aims to improve your independence and restore confidence, supporting you and giving you time to explore decisions about your long-term living options.

Transition care is provided for around 7 weeks post-entry on average but can be provided for up to 12 weeks, with the possibility to extend to 18 weeks if you are assessed as needing an extra period of therapeutic care.

Transition Care Services

Our Transition Care Program in Perth aims to help with improving independence and confidence post-hospital admission through receiving flexible care and support services, including:
  • Medical support from our team of Registered and Enrolled Nurses
  • Social support from Social Workers
  • Allied health therapy services, including Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
  • Personal care and assistance
  • Transport to and from medical appointments
  • Chef-prepared meals provided

A flexible care program will be designed to meet your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions

What does Transition Care cost?

The cost to access the Transition Care Program is determined by the Government and is set at 85% of the daily rate of the single age pension.

How do I know if I am eligible for Transition Care?

To access transition care, you will need to meet the criteria of being an existing patient in an acute hospital, no longer requiring hospital care, and be medically stable. The hospital team will arrange an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessment and approval for flexible care, and will coordinate a referral for your transition care services.

Where can I access Transition Care?

Our Transition Care program is offered at our Carinya of Bicton residential aged care home, in Perth, Western Australia.

How can I learn more?

If you have any questions about the Transition Care Program, our friendly team can discuss this with you. Simply contact us at 9279 4343 or submit an enquiry form.

Contact us

If you or a loved one needs support, contact our friendly team today to find out how we can help you.

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