
How to Write a Winning NDIS Support Letter

by Emily Beeson June 20, 2023

How to Write a Winning NDIS Support Letter

If you’re seeking NDIS support for a family member, then you may need to write a support letter to outline your case. It doesn’t require you to be an award winning writer, however, if a letter is requested, you will need to be able to effectively communicate why support is necessary for your loved one.

In this blog, we’ll show you how to write a NDIS support letter that will give you the best chance of securing funding. This will open up a world of opportunities for your loved one who will then be able to use this funding to procure a range of life changing NDIS disability support services from allied health professionals and other service providers.

What is an NDIS support letter?

It’s a document written by a support worker or carer to support a person’s NDIS application and provide further evidence of why the funding is necessary. It should demonstrate the everyday difficulties the applicant faces and explain how much support and care they need.

If appropriate, the letter might also include information about how the disability impacts the applicant’s carers and family members.

When is a support letter required?

The second part of an NDIS access request form should be filled out by a treating health professional such as a GP, occupational therapist or psychologist.

The NDIA may request additional information from medical professionals, support workers or carers as part of the applicant’s supporting evidence. Even if the NDIA does not specifically request additional supporting letters, providing them can make the application stronger and help in the NDIA’s decision making process.

To read more: What Is The Process For Registering For The NDIS?

What to include in a support letter

An NDIS support letter should show a clear picture of the impact of the condition or disability on the applicant’s day to day life, and what level of support they need.

Your written letter should explain:

  • Your role and how long you’ve supported the applicant
  • What level and types of support you provide
  • How often you provide support and how many hours per week
  • What other informal supports the applicant receives such as help from family members, friends, carers or services

The NDIA uses six categories of daily life in the assessment process. In your support letter, you should demonstrate how the applicant’s health condition or disability impacts their day to day life across each of the following:

  • Mobility/motor skills
  • Communication
  • Social interaction
  • Learning
  • Self-care
  • Self-management

A common way to structure an NDIS support letter is to go through each of the categories, explaining the functional impact that the disability has on each of them.

Writing a carer impact statement

This statement explains the impact that caring for the applicant has on the carer or the applicant’s family. It should be written by a person who provides unpaid care or informal care for the applicant. An impact statement can be included as part of your NDIS support letter or it can be submitted as a separate piece of evidence.

A carer statement may include information about:

  • The mental, physical and emotional impact that the caring role has on you and the applicant’s family
  • Whether you can continue caring for the applicant in the same way in the future
  • What extra support and funding will mean for you
  • Any other information that might help the NDIS assessment

Things to avoid when writing your support letter

Your support letter should be concise and should only include information that is relevant to the application. This means avoiding the following details:

  • Other health conditions which don’t meet the disability criteria
  • Symptom management strategies
  • Suggestions for support needs in an NDIS plan
  • Details about trauma history or abuse

Where to get additional help

Whether you are completing an NDIS access request form for yourself or assisting someone else in their application, it can be challenging to navigate the NDIS on your own. It’s therefore worth reaching out to professionals if you need any additional help with your support letter.

For more information on applying for NDIS funding, or about the NDIS disability support services that we offer at St Jude’s please get in touch with us and speak to any of our friendly staff.


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