
NDIS Worker Screening Check

by Binu Joseph February 18, 2021

Introduction of the NDIS Worker Screening Check

A new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening process began across all states and territories from 1 February 2021. St Jude’s have developed processes to ensure that all new and existing employees comply with the requirements through the transition period.

As we continually strive to uphold our positon as one of the most trusted health care organisations in Western Australia, we will always ensure that we comply with, and support requirements that are intended to reduce risk to people with disability.

Our strong governance operating model enables us to be responsive to implementing new policies including the new NDIS Worker Screening Checks.

Further information about the new NDIS Checks and the implementation in Western Australia can be found here: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/announcements/safeguarding-ndis-participants


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