
Travel Assistance for Seniors in QLD

Care Assisted Travel Services QLD

Many QLD seniors encounter difficulties when it comes to travelling independently, whether for medical appointments, social outings, or everyday tasks like shopping.

Limited transport options can limit your freedom to maintain your independence and make daily tasks more challenging. At St Jude’s, we work to overcome these obstacles by offering care-assisted travel services, ensuring seniors in Brisbane and across Queensland can travel safely and with the support they need to reach their destinations.

Fostering greater independence

With the assistance of a nurse or support worker, assisted travel enhances your independence by providing help with mobility, diet, and personal care while you are outside of the home, allowing you to enjoy everyday activities and travel with ease.

Care-assisted travel involves a travel companion, like a nurse or support worker, accompanying someone on a trip to help them engage in activities they may not be able to manage alone.
The support worker can provide transport to and from a destination or assist with social support and personal care throughout the trip.
These journeys can range from short trips, such as going to the shops or appointments, to longer holiday getaways.

Our care-assisted travel services may include:


  • Transport for outings and errands
  • Hospital, doctor and private appointments
  • Family gatherings
  • Weddings and funerals
  • Birthdays and graduations
  • Holiday companions
  • Travel from rural homes to metro residences or appointments
  • Transport to local community events.

Contact us

If you or a loved one needs support, contact our friendly team today to find out how we can help you.

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