Does The NDIS Cover Psychology?

Does The NDIS Cover Psychology

Many people are still unsure whether the NDIS covers psychology. This article will explain everything you need to know about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and psychology to put your mind at ease.

How Does The NDIS Cover Psychology?

To begin with, the NDIS does cover psychology. The NDIS allows for people with disability to receive financial help and disability support services through NDIS funding. This includes psychological support services, if a person is eligible.

Common uses for NDIS funding include; the cost of treatments, assistive technology, home modifications, and personal care.

We’ve discussed these services in previous blog, so this blog will focus on how NDIS psychology benefits those with disability.

What Are The Risk Factors For A Mental Health Condition?

Risk factors for mental health conditions

Mental health conditions can be caused by a number of factors, each which vary between individual. These are, but are not limited to;

  • Childhood trauma
  • Prejudice/discrimination
  • Family predisposition/genetic link
  • Social isolation
  • Grief and loss
  • A traumatic event
  • Long term physical health conditions

A mental health condition can manifest in varying ways, depending on the individual. It also has varying levels of severity, as it lies on a spectrum. Therefore, treatment is always personalised to the individual. However common ways mental health conditions manifest are;

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Impairment of concentration
  • Challenging behaviours
  • Fatigue and sleep disorders
  • Social withdrawal

What Is The Difference Between A Mental Health Condition And A Psychosocial Disability?

The key difference between a general mental health condition and a diagnosed psychosocial disability is that a person with psychosocial disability will have disabilities which have stemmed from this mental health condition. Not every person diagnosed with a mental health condition will have a psychosocial disability.

A person with a psychosocial disability will have symptoms that interfere with their day-to-day lives and face barriers to social inclusion.

NDIS Psychology Coverage Explained

The specific psychological services covered by the NDIS will depend on the needs and circumstances of each person. As the NDIS focuses on functional ability and long-term recovery, it supports people whose psychosocial disability has caused permanent and significant functional impairments.

The NDIS collaborates extensively with institutions in the mental health system, such as;

  • Government mental health agencies
  • Community health services
  • Public and private hospitals
  • Inpatient mental health facilities
  • Specialised healthcare providers or psychologists

What Types Of Psychological Support Does The NDIS Cover?

The NDIS provides two forms of assistance: individualised and general support.

Individualised Support
This type of support is available for individuals whose mental health rehabilitation process is longer term. This may apply to those whose mental health conditions severely influence their ability to carry out daily activities, due to complex challenges. Individualised support requires an NDIS plan to access the relevant supports, which is obtained if NDIS eligibility criteria is met.

General Support
The NDIS connects people with either a diagnosed mental health condition or a psychosocial disability to various government programs and community-based assistance for ongoing mental health care, including;

  • Symptom management through therapy and medication.
  • Early interventions related to mental health, including clinical assistance for a child or adolescent’s developmental needs.
  • Therapeutic supports to clinical therapy.

How Does the NDIS Support Individuals?

NDIS support individuals

The following are some examples of NDIS-funded assistance:

Assistance With Daily Life
Assisting with daily personal activities such as planning, decision-making, and household chores like doing the laundry.

Capacity Building
Capacity building allows a person to broaden their skill set and become more independent. Capacity building also relates to developing social relationships, managing personal finances, and/or looking for work.

Social and Community Participation
Community activities such as recreation, education, training, and employment are also part of the NDIS psychosocial disability support.

For instance, if you need someone to drive you to and from a training course or community activity, the NDIS can assist. Depending on your needs, these services may be delivered individually or in groups.

How the NDIS Works With Healthcare Providers

The NDIS places a high emphasis on health care professionals such as St Jude’s since they contribute to the overall success of the NDIS. Since the NDIS demands proof concerning a person’s primary disability and its impact on functional capacity, a professional healthcare service provider is the best avenue to assist in this area.

A person with disability may require help with the following:

  • Support in comprehending the NDIS, particularly if they have few community links and want assistance beyond their primary care physician.
  • Being notified of current information regarding the NDIS.
  • Completing the supporting evidence part of the Access Request Form.
  • Producing copies of studies or evaluations relevant to their diagnosis or condition.
  • Describing the extent of the functional impact caused by their disability, particularly in the phase of formulating an NDIS plan.

Support for Mental Health Conditions At St Jude’s

St. Jude’s is a trustworthy and experienced healthcare provider that can assist you with more than just the support services indicated above.

Our qualified NDIS Pyschosocial Recovery Coaches provide individualised support to those with a psychosocial disability – through building personal capacity skills and collaborating with broader support systems which specialise in mental health. Ultimately, the goals of a Psychosocial Recovery Coach is to assist the person with the complex challenges of everyday life, and to ultimately build skills within that individual which enable them to live a more fulfilled and independent life.

To read more about the positive impacts of Psychosocial Recovery Coaching, check out our previous blog here.

Additionally, we encourage those with a mental health condition to make the most out of our NDIS allied health services such as physiotherapy which can help with any physical ailments associated with their diagnosis. Mental health services at St Jude’s also cover recovery focused capacity building, and accommodation options, which require no minimum NDIS funding in order to access.

If your or a loved one has a mental health condition or a psychosocial disability and is seeking support, we would love to help. Please get in touch today if you have any queries about our NDIS mental health support services, or our broader range of disability support services.