Navigating High-Intensity Supports in the NDIS: A Guide to Services and Accessibility

High-Intensity Supports in the NDIS

There are a number of services that can be provided to people with disabilities to help with therapy and rehabilitation, and to hopefully achieve independence. These can include standard intensity services such as speech therapy or NDIS disability accommodation, through to assistance completing basic daily activities, right through to high intensity support to accommodate for more complex health needs. Because healthcare support is something of a spectrum, at St Jude’s we treat everybody as an individual with your own unique requirements.

As somebody with complex support needs, NDIS assistance is extremely important as it is the means through which support workers can be paid to help a client with daily personal activities. For some, however, more complex supports are required that will need more one on one time with some highly specialised healthcare workers.

In this blog we’re going to take a look at high intensity supports, how they are delivered and who may require them.

What are high intensity supports?

Also known as high intensity daily personal activities, they are specialised support services for clients with more complex needs. These supports require healthcare workers have special training before they can deliver any such services. Some of these services may even require full nursing training depending on the complexity of the task, and usually involve one on one care so that the worker can devote all of his or her attention to the client’s needs.

Some examples of high intensity support services include:

  • Complex bowel care
  • Enteral feeding and management, including PEG feeding
  • Urinary catheter care
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Respiratory support
  • Pressure care
  • Diabetes management and subcutaneous injections
  • Day-to-day management of medications

St Jude’s are well placed to provide the support staff who are trained to deliver these services as we require they meet strict standards of competency. This helps to safeguard all of our participants as our staff are well trained to perform clinical tasks within a community setting. They have the knowledge, skills and experience to work in any clinical situation that is required to promote positive health outcomes for our participants.

Who can access high intensity supports?

Anybody with a medical diagnosis that requires high intensity supports—such as those mentioned above— is eligible to access these services through an NDIS plan. This may include people with:

  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy and high risk seizures
  • Complex wounds and pressure injuries
  • Medication requirements administered by subcutaneous injections
  • Complex bowel problems
  • A tracheostomy
  • A stoma
  • A urinary catheter
  • A ventilator
  • Swallowing and eating difficulties (tube feeding)

For people who require high intensity supports, St Jude’s is the best way to procure such services. As a provider of NDIS allied health and therapy services, St Jude’s has a long history of ensuring that our clients receive the best possible care by highly trained and experienced staff, many of which have additional qualifications that make them uniquely placed to carry out such services.

As many within the healthcare industry know, the NDIS can be difficult to navigate, so by working with St Jude’s to take care of your NDIS goals, you’re allowing yourself to be free from the burden of what can be an overwhelming amount of administrative work. Figuring out how to organise and manage one’s support services can be a huge stress on people who already have a lot of weight on their shoulders, so allowing a reputable NDIS disability services provider like St Jude’s is often a great way to free your time and mental space so that you can focus on enjoying daily life.

Need access to high intensity disability support? We can help

St Jude’s has been one of Australia’s most trusted disability support service providers for over 40 years. We take a person centred approach to make sure that you receive the best care from the most suitable providers, including high intensity supports. This helps to ensure highly personalised care which results in the best possible outcomes for both you as a client, as well as your family. Our focus is to provide you with the help you need to live the most fulfilling life possible, and provide your family with peace of mind. For more information, don’t hesitate to chat to any of our friendly staff who look forward to helping you receive the support you need.